Tuesday, June 30, 2009


met up with xueying,peiyin and liyan
went to swesen's for the 1-for-1 deal
we had pasta each, pizza to be shared and dessert ice-cream
after which we chiong straight to kbox
in the midst of singing, a lady came in to scam us
it was the same game we played last time and was conned to pay for an expensive photo
so being smart, we rejected her offer except xueying who accept the challenge despite our warning
1st draw xueying got a 10 and the lady got J(the lady won)
2nd draw xueying got a heart Ace( she was damned happy claiming that i have got a good hand)...
then the lady drew a Ace spade( and she won the game)
speechless and we flipped all over the room laughing
so in the end, xueying still have to pay

at night went to shuhua's farewell party
got chefs stand-by there already, such a good service right?
gotten sims 3 game from her and i flew back home to play
guess what? the program don't work in my laptop
freaking pissed off now, i had reinstall for the 3rd time till now
pulling hair for 4 hours to get it fixed but still not working
the game looks nice from youtube and i am desperate to play
what's wrong with the disc authorisation failure?

today- tuna sandwiches for lunch

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